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  1.   Go to FTP Service List    {c:\MAGIC\FTP.DAT}
  2.   Go to Internet Services   {c:\MAGIC\INTERNET.DAT}
  3.   HELP                      {c:\MAGIC\MAGICKEY.HLP}
  4.   Personal Addresses        {c:\MAGIC\PERSONAL.DAT}
  6. 2600: The Hacker Quarterly    emmanuel@well.sf.ca.us
  7. 3D Magazin                    klein@stereo.stgt.sub.org
  8. 3W Global Networking Zine     3W@ukartnet.demon.co.uk
  9. ADDICTED chatline register    mail howie1@freenet.fsu.edu
  10. Addresses of Rich & Famous    76004.2554@compuserve.com
  11. Aero Travel Group (Int'l only ehasbrouck@igc.apc.org
  12. Alford travel agent           lunisea@netcom.com
  13. Anonymous mail/news           anon@penet.fi
  14. Armadillo Culture Zine        sokay@cyclone.mitre.org
  15. ARRL - Chuck Hutchinson       CHutch@arrl.org
  16. ARRL - Contest Branch         contests@arrl.org
  17. ARRL - Dave Sumner K1ZZ       DSumner@arrl.org
  18. ARRL - DX committee           dxcc@arrl.org
  19. Arts Wire                     artswire@tmn.com
  20. Bad Subjects                  badsubjects-request@uclink.berkeley.edu
  21. BBC World Service             iac@bbc-ibar.demon.co.uk
  22. BCS Internet SIG              majordomo@isig.mit.edu
  23. Best of Internet GNN          ron@nrh.com
  24. Bits and Bytes OnLine         JAYMACHADO@delphi.com
  25. Bookstore: Wordsworth Books   info@wordsworth.com
  26. Borland support               customer_service@borland.com
  27. CA Legislature                info@sen.ca.gov
  28. CERAM cpu/ram catalog         Catalog@Ceva.com
  29. cica ftp site updates         listserv@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu
  30. Clifford Stoll                cliff@cfa.harvard.edu
  31. Commerce Net                  info@commerce.net
  32. comp.binaries.ibm.pc by mail  cbipserv@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu
  33. Compass Point Travel          bert@cptravel.com
  34. Computer Literacy Bookstore   info@clbooks.com
  35. Computer Modeling             info@compumod.com
  36. Congress                      congress@hr.house.gov
  37. Contest Mailing List Admin    cq-contest-request@tgv.com
  38. CT Reflector                  ct-user@sttng.mlo.dec.com
  39. Cyberspace Vanguard Zine (SF) cn577@cleveland.freenet.edu
  40. David Farley (Doctor Fun)     dgfl@mindway.uchicago.edu
  41. Diamond Tech Support          75300.3673@CompuServe.COM
  42. Diplomacy Game by email       judge@shrike.und.ac.za
  43. Dogwood Blossoms haiku digest glwarner@samford.bitnet
  44. Douglas Adams                 adamsd@cerf.net
  45. DX Cluster F6CNB              f6cnb@sugarland.ampr.org
  46. DX Reflector List             dx@unbc.edu
  47. DX Reflector List Admin       dx-request@unbc.edu
  48. Earth & Sky (NPR)             majordomo@lists.utexas.edu
  49. Earth & Sky (NPR)+msg         subscribe EARTHANDSKY <peterj@netcom.com>
  50. Electronic Matchmaker         perfect@match.com
  51. Email Address Tracking        sled@drebes.com
  52. EUnet info                    traveller@EU.net
  53. FAQs by email                 pit-manager@rtfm.mit.edu
  54. FAX by email server           remote-printer.jcom@14083363503.iddd.tpc.int
  55. fax faq                       tpc-faq@town.hall.org
  56. FAX Service ($)               mail igc-info@igc.apc.org
  57. FAXiNET ($) fax by email      sales@awa.com
  58. Fidonet Gateway               peter.jennings@f506.n216.z1.fidonet.org
  59. Fidonet Gateway Info          postmaster@fidonet.fidonet.org
  60. Finger by email               b.liddicott@ic.ac.uk
  61. Finger by email subject:      #finger user@site
  62. Fitz's Shoptalk (TV Industry) mail shoptalk-request@gremlin.clark.net^M^MSUBSCRIBE user@site
  63. Free Net Info                 info@nptn.org
  64. Free Range Media              info@freerange.com
  65. Fringe Ware Review            fringeware@io.com
  66. ftp by email                  bitftp@pucc.princeton.edu
  67. ftp by email                  ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com
  68. Gene Bank                     gene-server@bchs.uh.edu
  69. Gopher by email               gopher@nips.ac.jp
  70. Groom Lake Desert Rat Zine    psychospy@aol.com
  71. High Mountain Press           info@bookstore.hmp.com
  72. Highly Imaginative Tech & SF  listserv@ufrj
  73. Horizons One  MIDI store      midiwiz@interaccess.com
  74. HOTT Newsletter               listserv@ucsd.edu
  75. HOTT Newsletter Subject:      --leave blank--
  76. HOTT Newsletter text          Subscribe HOTT-List
  77. humor.funny submissions       funny@clarinet.com
  78. IGC Networks                  igc-info@igc.apc.org
  79. Infotech Credit Reports       infotech@fx.net
  80. Infoworld Subscriptions       hallmark@infoworld.com
  81. InterFAX ($)                  faxmaster@pan.com
  82. International Trade Network   majordomo@world.std.com
  83. Internet bookstore            nuts@ora.com
  84. Internet Business Journal     gopher fonorola.net
  85. Internet in a Box             info@ibox.com
  86. Internet Shopping Network     info@internet.net
  87. Internet World Magazine       meckler@jvnc.net
  88. Intertek Zine                 tek@well.sf.ca.us
  89. Jennings Communications Inc   peterj@netcom.com
  90. Jim Warren                    warren@well.sf.ca.us
  91. LineNoiz Zine                 dodger@fubar.bk.psu.edu
  92. Loud Lyrix heavy metal lyrics death@terranet.cts.com
  93. LSD Zine Albert Hoffman's...  ST001747@Brownvm.Brown.edu
  94. MagicKey Info                 peterj@netcom.com
  95. MagicKey Registration         peterj@netcom.com
  96. Mecklermedia Corporation      meckler@jvnc.net
  97. Mexico Resorts & Tours        travel@magma.com
  98. Miata mailing list            miata@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu
  99. Mitch Kapor                   mkapor@eff.org
  100. Mitch Kapor                   mkapor@kei.com
  101. Moe's Books (Berkeley)        moesbooks@delphi.com
  102. Morpo Review subscribe        morpo-request@morpo.creighton.edu
  103. Movies Database               movie@ibmpcug.co.uk
  104. MTV Cyber Sleaze              request-cyber-sleaze@mtv.com
  105. MTV Cyber Sleaze msg          subscribe CYBER-SLEAZE your name
  106. NBC Dateline                  dateline@news.nbc.com
  107. NBC Nightly News              nightly@nbc.com
  108. ncftp bug reports             mgleason@cse.unl.edu
  109. Net-Happenings List           listserv@is.internic.net
  110. Net-Happenings List+msg       subscribe net-happenings <name>
  111. Net-Letter guide              higgins@dorsai.dorsia.org
  112. Netcom Support                support@netcom.com
  113. NetNews moderator             tyan@cs.stanford.edu
  114. Netnews Usenet News alert     netnews@db.stanford.edu
  115. NovX Internet Publishing      info@novx.com
  116. Numerology reading            mcivr@kaiwan.com
  117. Obscure Electronic Zine       obscure@csd4.csd.uwm.edu
  118. Oracle                        oracle@cs.indiana.edu
  119. Oracle Subject:               Tell me ...
  120. Oracle Text                   Ask any question.
  121. Packet Radio Gateway          gateway-request@arasmith.com
  122. People's Freedom Alliance Z   drmenace@hebron.connected.com
  123. PING 800# Internet access     info@ping.com
  124. Pink Floyd                    pink@society.com
  125. Post news by email            news-group-name@cs.utexas.edu
  126. Post news by email            news.group.name.usenet@decwrl.dec.com
  127. President Clinton             president@whitehouse.gov
  128. Profnet Univ Research         forbush@sunsb.edu
  129. Programmer's Shop             progshop@world.std.com
  130. PSI                           info@psi.com
  131. Purdue Writing Lab            owl@sage.cc.purdur.edu
  132. Purdue Writing Lab Subject:   owl-request
  133. Quanta SF Zine                quanta-request@andrew.cmu.edu
  134. Radio Free Europe             listserv@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu
  135. Random Access Humor           dbealer@clark.net
  136. rec.humor.funny submissions   funny@clarinet.com
  137. Rolling Stones                stones@society.com
  138. Santa Claus                   santa@north.pole.org
  139. SF-Lovers Digest              sf-lovers-request@rutgers.edu
  140. Steve Roberts                 wordy@ucsd.edu
  141. Sunglasses, shavers...        sunglass@clark.net
  142. Surfpunk Technical Journal Z  surfpunk-request@osc.versant.com
  143. The Little Garden             info@tlg.org
  144. The Travel Tree               tree@io.com
  145. Travel-by-Modem               travel@delphi.com
  146. Typesetting/graphic design    timbadia@remus.rutgers.edu
  147. Unigate Russia fax/mail ($)   yuri@atmos.washington.edu
  148. Usenet News Database          netnews@db.stanford.edu
  149. Usenet News Database+         help
  150. Usenet News Database++        search <word(s)>
  151. USRobotics tech support       support@usr.com
  152. VHF Lists                     vhf-request@w6yx.stanford.edu
  153. Voice of America              info@voa.gov
  154. VP Al Gore                    vice.president@whitehouse.gov
  155. Walnut Creek CD ROM